Welcome RPG Ramblings with Jeff Jones. This is a weekly show exploring the various details of the TableTop RPG hobby through discussions with interesting people.
Today, Joshua Harper and Chris Koger joins me. They have a CY_BORG adventure live on Kickstarter titled The Hard Light Dynamic. We delve into the elements of the Acid Horror genre and how they applied those elements in a futuristic setting.
I have a Patreon and if you want to hear uncut content and support the very low costs of this show, please sign up.
Grab your sidearm and your false ID, we have a job to do. Sisters and Brothers…it is time to get rambling.
Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/RPG_Ramblings
Chris Koger
twitter: @cjkoger
Joshua Harper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/storeywoodgames/
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/joshwuah/hard-light-dynamics-a-cy-borg-zine?ref=discovery&term=hard%20light