John Watts of Independence Games is a publisher producing content for an OGL variant of the Traveller rule set known as The Cepheus Engine. He supports several genres, including westerns. He has a massive amount of Clement Sector books currently on Bundle of Holding site. You better get in on it now, because it ends in a few days.
John explains the Traveller OGL, Cepheus Engine SRD, the Cepheus Engine OGL, and how the looming de-authorization of the WotC’s OGL threatens the balance. This show can’t always be about happy stuff, we need gloomy weather to make us appreciate the sunshine.
Oh! I have Kickstarter going live next week. Scoundrels of Brixton. Go click the NOTIFY ME AT LAUNCH button…that will send a ray of joy into my heart.
The sun is rising; it is time to saddle-up. Sisters and Brothers, it is time to get rambling.
Clement Sector Bundle of Holding – https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Clement3E
Scoundrels of Brixton Kickstarter – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1580058713/scoundrels-of-brixton