Welcome RPG Ramblings with Jeff Jones. This is a weekly show exploring the various details of the TableTop RPG hobby through discussions with interesting people.
Today, Oliver Brakenbury joins me. He, and a whole troop of people, joined forces to create and Sword and Sorcery magazine full of new stories and evocative art. We discuss the path that took him here and the genre.
I have a Patreon and if you want to hear content that hit the cutting room floor; we have it served fresh….off the floor. Think of it director’s cut, whose extra content is whatever the camera recorded after the scene ended and the actors were getting ready to go home.
Put on your boots, grab your sword. We are heading into the land of Zenzen. Adventure awaits. Sisters and Brothers…it is time to get rambling.
Oliver Brackenbury
Twitter: @obrackenbury
Website: oliverbrackenbury.com
Website: newedgeswordandsorcery.com
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oliverbrackenbury/new-edge-sword-and-sorcery-magazine?ref=2k411d