The Phantoms: Ruthless narcotics manufacturers, led by an ex-pirate, disgraced scientist, political radical and an aging soldier of fortune.
The Phantom of Unov: Background and stats on this new TL12 starship, with art by Ian Stead and deck plans courtesy of Grant Richards.
The Planet Unov: Rich history and downport details, everything needed to adventure on a savage hellworld with mysterious alien ruins.
3 Additional Factions & Gangs: A cult of extortionists and extremists, dubious corsairs and a corrupt occupation military force.
20 NPCs: Each with comprehensive stats, personalities and equipment.
18 Missions: High-risk adventures around the Brixton System, with challenges and moral dilemmas to test the wit and will of your players.
New Robot & Fiends: Stay out of the crosshairs of the NexusCorp Prowler or outwit the supernatural wraiths stalking Unov’s alien ruins.
4 Equipment Write-Ups: A new handgun and grenade, ultra-light vacc suit, even a portable hacking device.
3 Addictive Narcotics: Manufacture, traffic or get stoned on Black Lotus, Blue Lotus or Red Orchid.
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